Bank It! Roulette

With innovative side bets, the classic Bank It! Roulette game provides endless fun.

    Bank It! Roulette - Game Overview

    Available bet sizes range from 50c to $1,000.

    Correctly guess which number the ball will land on to win.

    Bank It! Side Bet

    You can decide your target and odds for Bank It! Roulette with this feature.

    It works by adding all the results of the roulette wheel over the number of spins you choose.

    If the sum is in your pre-selected target range once you've used all your spins, you win.

    The wider your chosen target range, the lower the odds and vice versa.

    You have the option to cash out during the Bank It! Side Bet.

    If you choose to cash out, the progress of your current Side Bet will be considered.

    The better you're doing, the more you'll win.

    The feature will end immediately if you choose to cash out. Any wins are then displayed.

    You can restart the Side Bet feature if you run out of funds.

    Choose 'Give Up' and you'll forfeit your current Side Bet to start a new one before the old bet finishes.

    You can customize the Side Bet by selecting 'Open Side Bet' or 'Side Bet'.

    You'll then have the option to choose the number of spins, ranging from four to 10.

    You'll also have the option to set a minimum and maximum value for your target. 

    The maximum needs to be 25, 50, or 75 above the minimum value.

    The odds for the bet you've proposed are then displayed on-screen.

    If these all look good to you, you can add chips to the Side Bet area.

    The regular Roulette wager must accompany every Side Bet spin.


    Low/High, Red/Black, Even/OddEach box has 18 numbers, all paying at 1:1. Zero is not included1:1
    DozenPut a chip in one of three boxes – ‘1st 12’, ‘2nd 12’, or ‘3rd 12’ - to bet on a group of 12 numbers. Zero is not included 2:1
    ColumnPut a chip on a box labelled ‘2 to 1’ to bet on that column of numbers. Zero is not included 2:1
    LinePut a chip on the inner boundary line where the line divides the two intersecting rows to place two street bets 5:1
    CornerBet on four numbers by placing chips at the corner where the four numbers meet 8:1
    StreetPut a chip on the outer boundary line of the table – next to the corresponding row of three numbers – to bet on them11:1
    SplitPut a chip on the line dividing two numbers to bet on them 17:1
    Straight UpPut a chip in the center of a number to bet on it. Zero is included35:1

    Return to Player 

    Return to Player (RTP): 97.30%.

    The expected return is the amount we pay out to players relative to the amount of wagering on the game.

    For example, if we take $100 of wagers we will, on average, pay out $97.30.

    Bank It! Side Bet Return to Player (RTP): 95.28%. 

    The Bank It! Side Bet RTP is based on a side bet configuration of nine spins and a target range of 10 to 85. 

    This return is based on Even Money (1:1 payout) bets.